In the Czech Republic, we represent some of the most important brands on market of cooling technologies. These include three brands (Eberle, Eliwell and Ranco) from the Invensys Controls group. In addition, our offer includes the leading Italian manufacturers of electromechanical thermostats Arthermo and Imit. We are trying to make this whole assortment as complete as possible so that everyone can choose anything either for their own production or as a finished product.

ARTHERMO is a traditional manufacturer of components for temperature display and control, operating on the market since 1968. The product portfolio consists of capillary and bimetallic thermometers, as well as capillary and room thermostats
EBERLE is part of the Invensys Controls company, which deals globally with system controls and services used on markets for electrical appliances, commercial refrigeration and heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
In addition to Eberle, other brands are Eliwell, Drayton and Ranco.
EBERLE is part of the heating and air conditioning division. Thanks to the complexity of its assortment, EBRLE has a very strong position on the market for a long time. The product portfolio includes among others regulation of room temperature, underfloor heating, outdoor installations for the industry, but also for air conditioning units.
EBERLE products are distributed in Czech Republic mainly through leading Czech manufacturers and wholesalers in the electrical industry.
EBERLE products are distributed in Czech Republic mainly through leading Czech manufacturers and wholesalers in the electrical industry.

ELIWELL is a world’s leading manufacturer of control devices for commercial and industrial cooling, air conditioning and industrial processes. The company has been operating in these fields for more than 30 years. ELIWELL controllers and systems are characterized by high quality and reliability. Since 1996, ELIWELL has been part of INVENSYS CONTROLS.
IMIT CONTROL SYSTEM is one of the leading companies in the area of development and manufacture of temperature control components. IMIT CONTROL SYSTEM products are mainly capillary, room, reservoir and straight thermostats

A RANCO ranks among the leaders in the production of electromechanical components for cooling, air conditioning and heating technologies. These are mainly the electromechanical temperature, pressure and humidity controllers of the highest quality.
RANCO has been operating on the market for 100 years already and it is part of INVENSYS CONTROLS.
RANCO has been operating on the market for 100 years already and it is part of INVENSYS CONTROLS.